Bringing handcrafted Sake to the U.S.
The name says it all : Sake Suki means I LOVE SAKE.
At Sake Suki, we only import what we love, and we love to drink what we import! Sake Suki was created in an atypical fashion. Rather than generating a business plan for an import company, then seeking out products to import, Sake Suki started with a product right in front of our eyes, then needed to find a way to get it back home.

Sake Suki's portfolio consists only of regional sake (jizake) that you would otherwise have to travel to Japan to taste.
We focus on producers who live for their craft and it is their craft that gives them life.

We are honored to work with passionate producers and are excited to share their great craft sake with you all.

Sake Suki was formed in 2013 with the goal of bringing great tasting Japanese Sake to the US that you would otherwise have to travel to Japan just to taste. Co-founders, Yumiko Munekyo and Jason Geiger began planning their venture together keeping in mind that they wanted to create a company that would focus on jizake (regional artisan sake), where volumes would be limited, rather than tackling larger, mass produced brands.

It is believed that production of sake in Japan dates back to the third century BC. Today, sake is defined by the Japanese Government as an alcoholic beverage containing between 1 and 22% alcohol, produced using rice, rice koji and water, and has a production process involving the pressing/filtering of mash.
The Journal
New website launching
We are finally launching our new website! …
Coming Soon

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